Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare


In Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare the reader follows Emma Carstairs into a secret world where half-angel warriors fight demons, warlocks brew potions, and adventure begins. Emma belongs to a group of elite half-angel warriors called the Nephilim, along with her parabatai Julian. A parabatai is the blade to your sword, your most trusted partner, and your best friend. Together Emma and Julian guard the streets of Los Angeles as tensions between fae and Shadowhunters rises.

When Emma stumbles upon a corpse, mutilated in the same way her parent’s bodies had been, she uncovers a series of fae and human killings that may lead her to the murderer from years ago. When the faeries propose a trade, Julian’s long-lost brother, Mark, for the identity of the murderer, a tense alliance is formed. Emma’s desire for revenge, and Julian’s long for his brother push them as they race to find the murderer before the murderer finds them. With help from Emma’s Shadowhunter friends, and Julian’s siblings, they follow clues that lead them from the murderer’s lair, to a death lottery, and the truth behind the parabatai bond.

Overall, I thought this book was alright. The beginning was a little slow and I found Emma’s humor a bit dry, but once the ball started rolling, I couldn’t put the book down. Since this book is an installment of the Shadowhunter series but can be read separately it took a while to establish the setting and introduce the characters. Having not read any of the other Shadowhunter books I still had trouble making sense of all the different characters and their relationships, even with the slow introduction. I suggest reading some of Cassandra Clare’s other books before reading this one, it might save you from spending time googling characters. There were other details in the story, and side characters that I thought were weird, or didn’t like, but overall the plot was pretty interesting, and I enjoyed the twists the author added. I would recommend this book to anyone who's bored and needs something to pass the time. Thanks for reading!



  1. I like the way you described the book. It sounds kind of complicated, but you did a great job. I liked how you said to read some of the author's other books to avoid confusion. You did a good job describing what was not so great about the book.

  2. From what you wrote I got a good sense of what the book was about. I also really liked how you described some of the aspects of the story such as what a parabatai was. Additionally, I think it is pretty helpful that you said to read some of the books from another series first so if I decide to read that series I have a better sense of where to start to know what they are talking about. I also liked how you gave your honest opinion of the book. Overall great post!

  3. Great review! I've heard of the TV show "Shadowhunters," but it's really cool that there's a book, too. I really like how you gave a genuine opinion and advised readers to read the other books before this one. I also think you summed up the plot really well, even though it seems like it could be quite confusing. Overall, it sounds very interesting and just like the book that I've been looking for. Really nice job!

  4. The review of the book made me really want to try this, because it sounds really interesting!

  5. I read this book too! I read the other series by Cassandra Clare called "The Mortal Instruments" first, and I agree that reading those first would help understand the Shadowhunter world better. You did a great job summarizing the book and explaining things, that was difficult to do since the story is so eventful and long. I think this is book is really good for just reading straight through because once I started, I also couldn't stop. Nice post!

  6. I just finished this book yesterday! I read the Mortal Instruments before like Andrea, as well as the Infernal Devices series also by Cassandra Clare, and those series did help to understand the Shadowhunter world and some of the character appearances. You did an awesome job of describing the plot in your post. Great review!

  7. I liked this review. I'm glad that you gave your honest opinion on the book for parts that you disliked and liked. I also appreciate that you suggest the reader read some of Clare's other books before reading this one. I haven't heard of this series before, but I love fantasy and from your review it seems like an all-around good read. Good Job!


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